2/269 Zillmere Road, ZILLMERE QLD 4034


Amazing location! Walk to everything!

This fantastic 2 bedroom unit is located in an amazingly convenient location, with a bus stop practically at your doorstep, and easy walking distance to parklands, local shops, cafe’s, restaurants, only 1km from Zillmere train station, and 5 minutes drive from various local schools.

Property snapshot:
* 2 bedrooms with wardrobes
* Open plan living area
* Private balcony
* Internal laundry

Features include:
* Security screens throughout
* Open car space
* Ceiling fans

Don’t delay your inspection! This one will not disappoint!

Please ensure that you register to attend by clicking ‘Book Inspection’, or call our Leasing Consultant on 0488 019 508. By registering, we can keep you informed of any changes or cancellations to the appointment.

Property Features

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